Franciscus de Mayronis, «Tractatus de passione Domini»
Critical edition and studies

12/2017 — Riccardo Burgazzi

€ 29,00


Riccardo Burgazzi was born in Milan in 1988. He obtained a master's degree in "Modern literatures" at the University of Milan and a Ph.D. in "Medieval Latin Literature" at the Charles University, in Prague.

Francis of Meyronnes (1288 – 1328) was a theologian and a sermonist, disciple of John Duns Scoto who wrote an impressive number of philosophical, political and devotional works. He studied at the University of Paris and taught in several provincial studia in France and in Italy.

The authors from the Late Middle Ages used to tell the Passion mainly in two ways: in form of “meditations” or in form of “narrative representations": Meyronnes’ Tractatus de Passione Domini belongs to this second typology, which allows the author to invent dialogues or to describe characters’ emotions and thoughts and to offer sometimes also his own point of view to the reader. Moreover, his work seems to be the oldest known example of this textual type.

ISBN 9788885491014

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