Africa at the crossroads
Ediz. italiana e inglese

06/2017 — Riccardo Pelizzo

€ 9,90


The performance of African economies, in the past fifty years, has been cyclical. Economic expansion was followed by contraction, growth by decline and, a result, Africa has never been able to capitalize on its own socio-economic successes. From 2000 onward, African economies have experienced sustained strong growth. And the articles collected in this volume were written because it is clear that Africa finds itself once again at the crossroads.

Riccardo Pelizzo is an associate professor of public policy and the Vice-Dean for Academic Affairs  in the Graduate School of Public Policy of Nazarbayev University, Astana (Kazakhstan). A party politics and a legislative studies specialist, Dr Pelizzo has devoted considerable attention to the socio-economic dividends of good governance.

ISBN 9788885491175

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