08/2017 — Cristina Lupia

€ 19,90


This textbook is addressed to students of Law and Business Administration. It gives them a working knowledge of legal and administrative language, helping them to improve linguistic skills for their profession through a variety of topics: philosophy of Law, Criminal and Civil Law, the legal and judicial English system, Company law, Property Law, Cyber Law, the European Union. The aim is to improve students’ communicative skills and provide them with a sophisticated knowledge of selected aspects of the English language and culture, in order to build competences to compete in the international legal working world. Many activities are used in order to learn the appropriate vocabulary: open questions, gap-filling, true-false questions, word formation, multiple choice. Their solution is given at the end of the textbook, as well as a glossary, so that students will be able to have an immediate feedback.

Cristina Lupia has been teaching english as foreign language in High Schools since 1992, at the University of Magna Graecia of Catanzaro since 2014 and in-service teacher-training courses. She has always been interested in theoretical and methodological aspects of learning and teaching: ESP/EAP (English for specific purposes/English for academic purpose), language and new technologies, CLIL (content and language integrated learning). She published in 93/94 in the book of Liceo Scientifico “Filolao” Crotone: Proposte metodologiche per l’insegnamento delle lingue straniere nel Liceo Scientifico; a translation english-italian of the novel Passages by Josephine Breen Del Deo – Carello Editore (Catanzaro, 1996); the article Insegnare negli istituti penitenziari: principi di metodo e ricerca di identità in Scuole e Lingue Moderne (Anno XL n.8, novembre 2002) magazine of ANILS; a translation italian-english and italian-french of the work Poeti d’Europa (AA. VV, Carello Editore, Catanzaro, 2004); an article CLIC, Scaffolding e nuove tecnologie, in the magazine Bricks of AICA (giugno 2017).

ISBN 9788899135751

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