Monisms and pluralisms in the history of political thought

05/2016 — AA.VV.

€ 18,00


The clash between monism and pluralism does exist. It has allowed the emergence of pivotal political theories during the centuries. It has inspired the construction of political models and theories. In our work we analyzed the term and the concept of monism and pluralism as having an historical dimension, changing over centuries, differently interpreted by the authors and ideologies that we have taken into account. In this sense, we investigated the terms and the concepts of monism and pluralism from the perspective of the history of political thought. That is the reason why we chose to talk about monisms and pluralisms. Through this particular viewpoint we analyzed how over centuries monisms and pluralisms have been used as conceptual frameworks, theories, ideologies to reflect on long-term issues such as the nature of political power, the problem of political legitimacy, the relationship between the rulers and the ruled, the meaning of freedom and tolerance, the sense of living together within contexts char erized by diversity. In other terms, we chose to reflect on monism and pluralism not as theoretical entities but as monisms and pluralisms inside history. In doing so, we tried to show how monisms and pluralisms in the history of political thought have posed and continue to pose a series of issues and problems concerning all of us and far from being mere erudition.

ISBN 9788899647117

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